
Established Once upon a time...

Our colleagues have experience having customised thousands of furnitures, we guaranttee that you will be satisfied with your product. Rest assured that our purchase process is simple and easy to understand!

It is our belief that living can be classy and comfortable even in some of the most populated cities. Founded upon Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong the island scored 2nd highest for population density in the World.

Innovation must be applied to the scarce spaces that are available to every resident. Turning underrated spaces like our Baywindow into spots where we can chill and read a book and relax on, this really redefines what our homes can be.

So are you now ready to make your flat into a truly sensational home?

If you need a complete baywindow redesign or a small upgrade to the bedroom, we can help you!

We look forward to serving you!

J & J

Ap Lei Chau Island


Make the window sill space more versatile and turn wasted space to good use.


Add brillance to every window sill in Hong Kong to make it more comfortable.


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